Formatting the article you are submitting
All submissions should be electronic and should be in Word. Submissions should be made via the on-line submission form. If any advice or assistance is required with this process please contact the journal team on email at
Papers must be submitted in the following order:
1. Page one: All authors full names, department(s) and university/universities, country/countries, postal address, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses. Subject area(s) of paper.
2. Page two: Title Page.
3. Page three: Abstract of 100-200 words, followed by around 6 keywords.
4. Page four onwards: Main text - manuscripts should be between 2000 and 5000 words.
5. Following main text: Acknowledgements, appendices, glossary and references.
Tables, graphs, maps, urls and any other additions to the text should be contained in the correct place in the text and given clear file names and attached with the submission as separate files. Any additions to the text that cannot be contained within it, such as video clips, should be supplied separately with a note in the text to indicate where the resource should be located. All such items should be formatted in accordance with the guidance on this website (see Style Guide). The responsibility to obtain copyright for the reproduction of any images, tables, maps, graphs, etc lies solely with the author. Authors should ensure that they have obtained copyright to reproduce any such additions to their text before submitting their work to the journal.
If papers reach peer review, the papers are made anonymous, using double-blind peer review, the author's name and affiliation, as well as footnotes and acknowledgements identifying the author, should appear only on a separate page (Page one, only). For co-authored articles, one author should be designated as the corresponding author, to be responsible for communicating with editors and the publisher and for relaying information to and from the other authors.
The editorial staff shall complete the review process and reach a decision within twelve months of submission acknowledgment. If the author does not receive a decision within twelve months, s/he may choose to withdraw the manuscript by notifying the editor.
Don’t just send in an essay or report you have previously written
A written journal article needs much more than this – if you’re unsure, check out other articles published in Reinvention, or in journals in your own subject area. Be aware that you will have a fair amount to do on your original work to turn it into a paper.
If your research was part of a group project, consult your supervisor
You need to clear your plan to publish a journal article on the results of your research with either your research supervisor or other members of the group that you did the research with before submitting your research for publication.
Read the style guide before you start
All articles submitted to a journal must conform to their style guide. Those that do not will almost certainly be returned to the author without being read, so be aware of the requirements before you start. Please read and adhere to the Reinvention style guide if you wish to send your work to us.
Make sure you use an academic style and references
Your written paper will need a full bibliography, referencing works you have cited as well as those you have used to inform your work. Make sure you use a formal style of writing.
Ensure you have identified a gap in the literature
Academic journals require submissions to address a gap in the existing research literature. Make sure you are clear in your paper why your article is of interest to readers and how it is different to academic work already published on the subject.
Back up your assertions
Be aware that you should be able to justify everything you say: there should be no generalisations such as ‘everyone knows that …’ or ‘it’s true that most people tend to …’. Also don’t extrapolate from your findings that something is generalisable: even if your experiment has found something to be true, it does not mean that it holds true for the entire population, ensure that your conclusions are in line with the scale of your research.
Check your permissions
If you have included images, tables, figures, etc which are not your own, be aware that we, and other journals, can only publish them if you have obtained specific permission from the copyright holders (we can help you with this if required).
Abstracts and keywords
An abstract and keywords are necessary for most journal articles and you need to think about them carefully these are the means by which readers will find your paper and decide whether or not they wish to read it.
An abstract of 100–200 words should be submitted with all articles. This should summarise your article: the subject, the key research question(s), your methodology, results and conclusion. Authors should supply around six keywords for indexing and abstracting purposes. Keywords (which can be short phrases rather than individual words) should be as precise as possible, in order to guide readers who are searching for an article on this subject. Imagine you were searching for your article online: which words or phrases would you use to search?
Pay attention to ethics
Be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure that your research and its presentation are ethically sound. You must have permission from participants in your research to reproduce their words, image, responses, etc even if you have anonymised their contributions.
Check your work
Don't send your work off as soon as you have finished writing it. Leave it for a day or two and then proofread your paper carefully and don’t rely on the spell checker. If necessary read your work from the back page forwards so that you can concentrate on the proofreading and not get caught up in the argument. Double check all of your equations, tables, figures, etc for accuracy. Think about asking someone else to look at your work to check it - you will often see what you think a sentence should say and not what it actually does!
Submissions via the on-line submission form.